What do I come back to?
The garden, reading, the beach, rearranging things in my home, color, yarn, sewing...
I know making paper and baskets will be added to this.
And reflection...as in thinking, the kind where you are considering but not necessarily making a decision or doing research.
I've been thinking about why I make and what I make. They are kind of heavy questions right now when I consider the state of the world. How much of a privilege it is to ask that question.
Unless I have a specific project, this is the last year that I will buy any materials for dyeing with the fresh indigo. I have enough to make several things and it's time to focus on some other things.
I do still want to grow indigo though. What I will do is add another layer of color to things that I have been dyeing. And then I can make pigment because this is something that I can keep using in a way that is a better use of resources for me.
There is so much paper in this world...and I love making paper.
It's a great way to make recycling personal.
My assistants as I reflected on all this:
They are laying on top of my collection of handmade paper and some scraps I've been using for a project.
They do love a box.