I'm out of control....Started to refashion a sweatshirt that I've had for awhile. It was a lot of fun cutting the seams open. So much easier to quilt on. Going to be interesting to see how it turns out. It's my project for Wardrobe Refashion for next week. I also have pictures of my jeans skirt that I finally finished posted there.
Here's another project: It's my hugelkulture. I got the idea from Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway. It's a pile of twigs on the bottom, and then some sod and compost and then some topsoil. And then I planted potatoes in it. They are doing beautifully. The sticks are whips from my apple tree that I stuck in before the potatoes started coming up. It's to keep the cats from digging around. I'll pull them out soon. The goal is to do a little composting, plus creating a mound like this is supposed to heat the soil up faster and use less water. The real test will be how many potatoes I get. That's assuming I don't start stealing them when they are little....