Well here's another prompt to get me motivated. Inspire me Thursday has added a journal entry prompt. Since this is something I've been working on since January, I might as well share here too.
This is my journal cover. It's a three ring binder I've had since college (don't even want to think how long that's been, I'm such a pack rat). I really dislike the vinyl cover so I've covered it up with a photo from a magazine I like, masking tape, electrical tape, and some leaf prints I made. I doodled on the masking tape with pastels, so I covered the top with clear packaging tape to keep it from smearing. So come on in....
The first prompt was to write about something I might do today. I set myself the goal to not use a photograph and no filters from software. I think this is a goal I'm going to set for the Inspire me Thursday Journal prompts. I did use pastels, colored ink, paint, scraps of fabric, yarn, and paper that were on my table, and my stapler. I really liked the effect of the paint and ink over the pastels. I'm going to explore that some more. And I really need to clean up my table on a more regular basis.