I like my food simple. Just the basics: a fruit, a vegetable, herbs, cheese, and a little bread…. Without the pesticides, chemical fertilizers, with out any genetic fussing. Okay, maybe I like to take all those ingredients and make up wild concoctions. This weekend it’s going to be rhubarb ginger jam. Something I’ve never tried before.
I like my clothes simple. Without logos, made from wool, or hemp, or organic cotton or refashioned from other clothes. Okay, maybe a little ruffle would be fine. This weekend I’m going to sew a new top or two, and work on the sweater I’m knitting.
I like my life simple. No television, no commercial radio stations, no car…. Okay, so I’ve become clueless about most popular culture (bit difficult to carry on a conversation with some people) and it’s going to take me 2 hours to get to work and back. But it’s a beautiful morning, and I’ll burn off the extra calories I ate yesterday (that ice cream was darn good). And I’ll arrive at work with a smile on my face. I’ll spend my day making children smile, I hope. And one year olds don’t care about popular culture.
I like my weekend simple. I’ll come home and sit in a quite corner of my garden on Friday night, enjoy the evening light, let go of the week. This weekend I have tomatoes to plant, grass to cut (with the push mower and the grass shears), a book I want to finish reading, and I’m going to walk to the farmer’s market. Okay, so I always need to plan what I want to do, I always have more projects than I can really accomplish, but I’m getting better at living in the moment.
Not as simple as it seems…