Create a Connection asks us to look at our goals that we made at the beginning of the year. My goals are actually listed in the side bar. This prompt makes it a great time for me to review my list and to add a feature to it that I’d started on, more pictures of course!
Here’s my list:
1. Read something that is good for my heart and soul. Doing pretty good on this one. I’ve read lots of inspiring things on blogs that make me think and have led me to act and create. One of my favorites is Wish Jar. Very inspiring! I’m just about finished reading A Place of my Own by Michael Pollan. It’s a great book about his process of building a small building. I’m inspired to build my own, but I want to make it out of straw bale or cob. I’ll be adding Silent Spring by Rachel Carson to my list next.
2. Walk or do yoga. I’m doing really well on the walking (I walk by this wonderful field everyday on my way to work). My family is going to get sick of my saying this, but selling my car was one of the best things I’ve ever done, in so many ways. I’m loosing weight and becoming healthier. By walking I feel more connected to my community and have made new friends. I’m not as consistent in the yoga department. I took classes for about 4 years and it’s enough a part of my life that I do little stretches through out the day, but I’m not good about doing yoga on a regular basis. I’m working on it.
3. Eat good food. I’m happy with this goal too. My mom and dad gave me a crock-pot this year and I’ve been using it a lot to cook up a batch of something or another that I can freeze in small portions. It makes it so much easier to make good choices at the end of a workday when I’m tired. I’ve started making my own yogurt on a regular basis and am going to start making my own butter. I’m also very interested in making my own cheese. And the garden (more pictures in Smile) is starting to provide more and more yummy stuff.
4. Find something beautiful in the day. I’m pretty good with this one too. Walking helps a lot with this one as does working with children. It’s those odd days that don’t go well that I need this reminder. That’s where the walking comes in. If I walk enough, I can let go of what is bothering me and find the beautiful part of the day.
5. Create something. I’ve been participating in Inspire Me Thursday and Wardrobe Refashion where the goal is to create and share on a weekly basis. It helps me structure my time so that I really do move forward on my projects instead of just dreaming about what I want to make. And because I’m having so much fun, I’m creating more and trying new projects.
6. Journal. I’ve been journaling since I was 11 or 12 years old with more or less regularity. This year I really am feeling good about my journaling. Two things have helped me with this goal, giving myself permission to type (using Bee Creative as a place to journal!) and exploring prompts from some of the blogs/websites I’ve found. Sunday Scribblings has been a wonderful prompt to write more about a variety of things. Also, I love the journal prompt that has been added to Inspire Me Thursday.
7. Connect with someone. It made me smile when I discovered Create a Connection. Starting Bee Creative and exploring the world of blogs has created such wonderful opportunities and is such an amazing process. One connection leads to another and my life is becoming all the richer for it. One connection that is shaping my life a lot and that helped me with working towards other goals I’ve had has been through The Riot for Austerity, 90% Reduction. Where I’m falling down a little, is in connecting with some of the individuals in my life. I have friends that I’m not as good at staying in touch with. Days go by so fast and it’s easy to forget how long it’s been since a connection has been made.
8. Spend time with the dogs. Well this one is pretty easy. They do a pretty good job of making sure they have my attention. I was really thinking at the beginning of the year that I needed to get Lola (the Chihuahua) out more. Walking the two dogs together was a disaster and Lola is impossible on a leash. After talking to my vet, I’ve decided that what we’re doing right now is just fine. Briar goes for a morning walk for me (it’s her quality time….) and Lola gets as much play time in the yard as she wants when I’m home. They are healthy, happy, and mostly well behaved. : )
9. Find a quiet space. This one is really important to me. My days are noisy and active as I spend them one-year-old children and I really don’t feel like doing much at the end of the day on a regular basis. Having a quiet space is really important for regrouping. A lot of times now, I don’t listen to the news in the evening, sometimes I don’t listen to any music. Last night I had the doors open and listened to the rain.
10. Take a picture every day. Entirely too successful here… Going to start sharing some of the photos in the sidebar in a photo album (Smile)!