What timing! The prompt for Inspire Me Thursday was "Light" this week and what would happen to be on my to do list? Finishing the fan I've been working on for at least 3 years! Light coat after light coat of paint ...
All right, I do have to confess the multiple coats of paint has more to do with me not being able to decide what color I wanted to paint the fan. First it was white, then blue, then light yellow, and finally all colors showing plus a little more white and some red. I had to put the last coat of white on to cover the mess I made around the metal parts of the paddle. I put a piece of newspaper behind the paddle and sprayed some paint on. Yes, it would have been better to have taken the fan down to paint it. The red is a pigment ink pad that I ran along the edges.
The beads, crystals and bells would be my version of making a chandelier with what I've got. The crystals were bought at antique/junk stores, the bells at a garage sale, the beads are from my stash. I also attached a skeleton key and some shells.
Here's a little closer look at the crystals:
And because I can never remember which way to set the fan, I wrote myself a note on the paddle: "Spring Clockwise, Fall Counter clockwise." Of course, this also turned into an experiment on which settings would work best on my camera. Taking a picture of a light is tough!