Inspire Me Thursday's prompt this past week was "paradox." I spent a lot of time thinking about this one and as a result of my current reading (just finished Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and started Deep Economy by Bill McKibben) came up with two:
1. That after a certain amount of income, more money does not mean more happiness.
2. That small farms can produce more food per acre than large industrial farms.
Those facts seem paradoxical to me! And that led me to my response-art money! I've always been intrigued by this idea. If anyone wants more info on this, check out the artmoney website. I don't know if I'll do more with it (art money can be registered and spent), but it was fun spending more time exploring the artmoney website and it was fun to create. My topic reflects my second paradox. Even as we're having our first snow of the year (hooray!), I'm planning my spring garden. A couple links of interest on this topic are Revive the Victory Garden and Victory Garden+2007. Well for anyone from "Inspire Me Thursday," warned you I was up on my soapbox!
Recycled materials for this project: paper from the stash of trash, and little teeny scraps of fabric from my waste not, want not basket.