I thought it would be fun to participate in another challenge, The Growing Challenge. The challenge is to grow at least one food from seed that you've never grown before. Coming up with a vegetable/fruit I haven't grown before is kind of tough. At least one that I know I like.
One thing under consideration is sweet potatoes. I had some from the farmer's market last year that were delicious. If I can figure out what variety they were, and I can find some, I want to grow them! They were white colored, able to grow in Zone 7, maybe Zone 8 (zones for the US). If anyone has a suggestion....
The other thing I really want to try is growing a grain other than corn. One possiblity is Emmer. Emmer is a variety of wheat, also known as Farro. Last year it was being sold at a local farmer's market, so it will grow in my area. It also tasted good. What I'm not so sure about is whether I can get it to grow and whether I can get it into an edible form! I also have some Buckwheat seed. Locally grown seed is being sold at my co-op, so it's worth a try.
The other part of the challenge is to post each week about how the garden is growing. One of my favorite topics!
What was planted this weekend:
Brussels Sprouts
Sprouting broccoli
And tomatoes!
I almost planted a peanut too...found it buried in my container of seed starting mix I"d prepped and left on the porch. Darn lazy dogs aren't doing their job of keeping the squirrels out of the yard!