One Fourth of July when I was in college, I went to a friend's house to celebrate. While we were there, her mother made warm pudding and served it with raspberries from the garden. Ever since then, I've been addicted to this combination. I don't think summer would be complete without having it once or twice. I make my pudding from scratch. It's super easy and tastes better than from a package.
The hard cider is from my apples. I made it last year and am just now drinking it. I've decided it tastes best mixed with some mineral water. It's just on the edge of vinegary so it probably qualifies as a shrub (a drink made with a fruit vinegar).
The broccoli pesto is made with broccoli, walnuts, and olive oil. I like to freeze it into cubes and then toss a cube into some pasta or rice or hash when I cook during the winter. This has actually become my favorite way to eat the broccoli crown. I really like the stems the best, stir fried.
I had about 4 cups of milk left that needed to be used up before it spoiled so I decided to make farmer's cheese with it. Very yummy in bread salad. And that comes to the not local that I just can't do without. Those darn olives.
From my garden: Lettuce, apples, raspberries, blueberries, and potatoes.
From my parents: eggs, cucumbers
From the Farmer's market: tomatoes, broccoli,carrots, onions.
Local: Milk, bread.
Others: Mineral water, olives, olive oil.