A rainy vacation day seems like a perfect day to read and daydream.
On my reading list:
Walking in this World by Julia Cameron. I was interested in this one because I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be creative. I’m finding a lot that I agree with in this book.
Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman. There are a lot of good ideas for winter gardening that I want to incorporate into my garden. I went to a short lecture that Coleman gave last year and was very impressed with what he had to say.
The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters. This cookbook was a gift. I’ve tried a couple of the recipes and been happy with the results. I also enjoy reading it for ideas. Planning on trying a couple recipes out of it this week.
Creating a World that works for All by Sharif Abdullah. I’m half way through this book and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I like the main premise, that for the world to be changed, the change needs to be inclusive of all kinds of different people.
Frenchman’s Creek by Daphne Du Maurier. I’m rereading this one-for probably the 3rd of 4th time. It’s been a favorite since I was a teenager.
I’m also working my way through a Blog Carnival at Better Living about what it means to have a sustainable life.
As promised, here’s my first prayer flag (close up of shoe/text here):