A couple months ago I found a link to a slide show that Sabrina Ward Harrison had made. It made me curious about her books, so I checked Brave on the Rocks out from the library. Within the first couple pages there was something to consider. She writes questions if going to Italy alone was "bold enough" to be an adventure. I sat at the bus stop smiling because spending four hours alone in Venice Italy was as bold as I could get. It's all a matter of perspective I think. What is bold for one, is not bold for another. That's the way it should be.
Brave on the Rocks made me think of risking taking. Of my comfort level for risks. When faced with an intersection, do I take the road I know or the one that is a mystery?
The easy answer is in the area of creativity. I like those unknown roads. I don't need to have a plan when I start and, in fact, prefer not to. What's the worst that can happen? Starting over? Trying again? But there are other types of risks where I'm hesitant. I might be able to talk myself into flying to Europe by myself someday. Or hop in a car and just drive across country (I'm not considering environmental impact here). Or maybe not.
Here's another intersection: I'm working on redoing my scrap books and journals, what do I keep and what do I let go? In what format do I want to keep the things I'm saving?