Putting the garden to work: I harvested my shelling/soup peas yesterday (A.k.a Blauwschokkers). I have about a cup and a half from what I picked. Still have some on the vine drying out more. This is one of the crops that I want to save seed from for The Growing Challenge. Unfortunately, about half of the peas had worms/caterpillars in them. Not a complete waste, the chooks enjoyed those. As I was shelling the peas I noticed my fingers were turning purple. Seemed to make sense to toss some of the pods into the water and see what kind of dye they would make. The water is a purple-gray right now.
Cooking: Made a batch of strawberry-balsamic vinegar jam. It's very yummy on top of vanilla ice cream.
Knitting: Decided to take a little break from socks for my bus projects. The green will be a square for one of the wool blankets that is in progress. The pink was going to be for that too, but I think it will make a nice pot holder. I might felt/full it before I start using it.