When I sat down with my pile of fabric that I had dyed with the cabbage and tried to begin making something I was paralyzed for awhile. I didn't want to cut it up into pieces that would create odd shapes that would be hard to use which meant squares and rectangles. And Jude had just posted that she had decided to explore squares....
Finally I picked up a piece of my fabric and started to stitch it to the base I'd chosen. And then I picked up another and another. I loved how the velvet wrinkled and shifted and I decided to go with that:
It is perhaps the most raw, to some I'm sure poorly executed, things I've ever made. I love it. I love the wrinkles and puckers and gaps. I want it to fray and unravel and fade here and there.
It reminds me of ridges and valleys
of waves rolling across the sea. Even the folds of the cabbage leaves. So many things.
I thought of many things as I made this. It was good.
P.S. The greenish color in the piece of wool is over-dye. I had used this fabric originally to try flower pounding with dandelions.