I've been playing with photos again...just a bit of layering. I'm also finishing up my seed orders for the year. I'm going to grow all my usual favorites (tomatoes, peas, beans, swiss chard, lemon cucumbers are just a few), but I'm also going to try a few new things: melons, peppers, safflower for dye (also a saffron substitute in cooking) and flax.
That's a bit of flax that I spun. I'm sure it will take some practice, but the idea of growing flax to spin seems so appealing.
I'm also going to be experimenting to see if the tomato, bean and squash seeds saved from last year will grow. I'm pretty sure the beans will and that the squash seeds won't (they don't look right). There is a good chance the tomatoes will grow. And I'll save more seeds from what is grown this year for next year.
Does any of this sound tempting? I hope I've planted a seed in someone's imagination and that they will be inspired to grown something new. It's one of my goals. I need to find three people and inspire them to grow something from seed. It's the Growing Challenge...