The "sole food:"
One of the things I've realized lately is that although most of my food is locally sourced, I do depend on a few basics that are not: olive oil, spices, and salt. For the Dark Days sole meal I've decided I need to make no exceptions.
Today's Breakfast: a local cereal that I noticed at the co-op and hadn't gotten around to trying yet, apple from Mom and Dad's, and hazelnuts. Yum.
No salt and no spices; not even some local honey as I'm trying to get my sweet tooth under control.
This would be more of a making the pantry more local update:
In my effort to replace some of the foods I've been counting as "exceptions," I decided to make some hazelnut butter as a replacement for peanut butter. I used the directions in Stocking Up by Carol Hupping, which gives the option of using water to start the clumping of the nuts from a flour (which is really what the nuts are at one point of grinding) to a spread.
I do have some ground nuts set aside to try as a flour as well. I've already done this with almonds successfully so the hazelnuts should work.
And then for local color:
My version of Jude's rings. I'm going to call it an egg ring or a seed ring. I used a local red cabbage for the dye bath.