It may be cold, wet, and windy; snow may be in the forecast...
But spring is coming. Yesterday I had two eggs on the same day for the first time since Jitterbug started molting in the fall. More of the crocus are popping up in the garden too. And the rhubarb is up to four inches.
Maybe it will be t-shirt weather soon? I'm going to be ready. Today I tried out another pattern. This one is destined for the dye pot.
The next one will have a few more inches added to the bottom and the neckline adjusted just a bit. Patterns are like recipes...the details are adjustable.
No recipe involved here.
I've been craving a cheese sandwich but didn't really want to make bread and then have a lot of it that I would end up eating, so I bought a small loaf of locally made sourdough. Added a little local cheese and a saute of cabbage, apples and hazelnuts and I had this week's Dark Days meal.
Hmm...maybe French toast for breakfast?