I am currently reading The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture by Christopher Shein and it has inspired my newest experiment. This area is right next to the water and receives 6 to 8 hours of full sun.
*The containers are where the root crops are growing. My garden has very rocky soil which can make root crops difficult to grow directly in the ground.
*The one gallon containers in the wash tub have radishes, carrots, beets and lettuce. Once they have sprouted I'll move the containers out of the wash tub and plant more seeds in the containers below. I'm hoping in this way to have a longer harvest of these crops. After I harvest from the containers I'll mix in some compost with the potting soil and plant something different.
*The strawberries and cucumbers are being grown in the buckets that are hanging from the hooks (pest prevention).
*The summer squash will not just be a crop to harvest but also "living mulch" for the area around the pear tree.
*This is also a budget experiment. All the seed was purchased
last year and have grown enough produce to have paid for itself. The
same is true of the strawberries and pears. I'll have about 16 dollars
for potting soil, a tomatillo as a start ($2.00), and $6.00 worth of
seed potato. I'm going to keep track of the total harvest from this
area so that I can make some comparisons.