All my examples plus a few hats for sale.
There were several of us carding and spinning yarn (drop spindle and spinning wheels), a few table looms, inkle looms and bead looms for people to see and me knitting. I also gave a lesson in crochet.
And I finally learned how to use this loom!
The loom was given to me with this project already on it, but it wasn't all the way set up. One of the other vendors showed me how to create the shed with this loom and then Patty, manager of the market and a weaver, showed me how to finish setting up the loom and gave me a few other pointers.
We really couldn't figure out what kind of project the person who set up the project was trying to do as there is only about three inches of workable space. Maybe she was just learning how to set up the loom? I'm going to play a bit and then take it apart and then practice warping this loom.
Thanks Mom for the top two pictures!