Spending more time with Briar this week has me considering vulnerability.
The vulnerability of youth, of aging, of the choices we make and of sharing...
Yesterday I found this photo while cleaning the craft room/studio. Lola was so tiny.
A picture I took yesterday. Briar is so fragile now.
Something I made in a class months ago but hadn't shared for a variety of reasons.
One of the things I love about the world we live in is the ease of following ideas. After reading Kim Werker's essay in Craftivism, edited by Beysy Greer, I found her blog and book Mighty Ugly. And that led me to a year long challenge to make something every day.
This last year has really been about absorbing for me. Watching, listening, thinking; but not as much doing.
It's time for more so I am joining in and will share each day at Instagram.
Because part of being creative is being vulnerable.
feild notes: Soup weather, just started to rain. Chance of snow tonight.
No bee creative cooking post this week.