Yesterday I had a chance to visit a store I've been wanting to explore for awhile, the Ragfinery.
They sell second hand yarn, fabric and clothing meant to be upcyled rather than become waste. They have a really nice page on their website showing the textile waste generated in the United States. There are also sewing machines and floor looms that can be used.
Although I really didn't need more fabric there was no resisting a few things. The red print is a home-made house dress. I want to combine this fabric with denim (from jeans I've been saving) and make a vest. Hopefully there will be some time to play with this next week.
I also bought a wool/mohair blend scarf:
It's headed for a hot water wash to see if it will felt. Either way it will become a pillow or part of a blanket.
I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be back on a regular basis. It's a wonderful resource and I want to do my part to make sure it stays in business. I also think it might be a wonderful place to volunteer at some time.
New post up at bee creative cooking.