Back at the curb again, waiting for the bus.
It was stormy today, windy and rain.
I went to the farmer's market anyway, I usually do regardless of the weather.
Just a few things this week, I still have beets, onions, and a couple peppers from last week. Plus kale and sorrel in the garden.
As I was leaving, at the corner in front of the market a group was passing out flowers and free hugs.
This is the kind of protest I believe in.
One of giving.
I buy local, organic and seasonal food for many reasons, but one of them is because it supports my community, my neighbors.
My chickens aren't laying right now so a friend and coworker shared some from her chickens:
It made me laugh to realize that these eggs match some yarn that I picked up today from the local yarn store:
Spin Cycles's Grumpy Birds. They used to sell their yarn at the farmer's market. It's probably good for me that they don't anymore... too much temptation.
I want to remember that all that we do is who we are.
Thank you everyone who left parsnip suggestions. I ended up sauteing them in olive oil with carrots (red and orange!) and a bit of apple syrup.
I will absolutely buy more.