foreword, field notes, forecast, fiber, family, friends, finish
Foreword: a section of a book, in the front, that puts what follows in some kind of context. Often found in nonfiction that is republished or classics. Sometimes as an introduction.
It was difficult choosing just a few words to focus on. It’s fertile ground....
I went looking for a book with a foreword but found this fiction instead...highly recommended by one of my friends.
field notes: Observations made about a certain location, the details and descriptions.
I am pretty free range when it comes to defining field notes. I think in terms of acts of creativity and making that reflect my environment and climate. It’s really about looking closely for me, about noticing and focusing.
Field notes frequently feature the local wildlife and what is growing, native and not.
I need to cut back the Buddleia but my feathered friends love it so. On days that I am home and sit at my computer, watching out the window, a stream of birds come through. Finches, juncos, chickadees, sparrows, stellar jays, towhees, and hummingbirds mostly. The little bitty birds that I’m never quite sure I’ve identified correctly...bushtit’s I think. A few times, I’ve seen a kinglet.
It always includes a recording of the weather. This week has been windy (50 mile an hour gusts on Saturday night/Sunday morning, the house shook), very wet, warm (50‘s) and then not (snow sighting at higher elevations) and gray. It snowed more than 130 inches at Mt. Baker this week and there is possible flooding on the local rivers.
Some of you may be familiar with this wind map, if not it's worth a peek.
find the frond
Forecast: A prediction, usually about the weather.
I am fascinated by forecasts. The attempt to predict something like weather with science. The human need to look ahead and predict...
Fiber: a material gathered either from plants or from animals or synthetic (plastic mostly, which means petroleum based) that is made into fabric or fillings of some sort. Also in food.
Food: The fuel we need to keep going.
These lentils are from Eastern Washington, making them fit into my "local" category. Lentils are something that I've become familiar with as an adult and I have learned to love them. Yes, lentils are full of fiber.
Family: a group of people usually connected by genetics, but can also included people gathered into the fold.
I can tease my dad* by telling him that I'm serving tofu and lentils for dinner and he's invited... I'm pretty sure I could make something with lentils that he would like though.
*Footnote: Thanks again for getting feed for the flock Mom and Dad!
Friends: people we choose to spend time with, people who we share ourselves with.
I am forever thankful for friends and family... This week I have been connecting with a friend of forty years.
Finish: I am better as starting than finishing. Finishing more things is a goal this year, although continuing comes first and foremost.
I was hoping to finish my field note blanket in the space of one year, but it is more likely a two year project.
Forward with a following sea...