Sometimes it's enough to just watch, to witness, to be in the moment.
- The bald eagle circling over the neighborhood last Sunday, hunting until he/she was chased away by a crow.
- The humming bird feeding in the wild currant that is now in full bloom. And then later in the day zooming up high above my head and then pausing to look down before rocketing off to sit in a near by tree.
- Dandelions blooming.
Sometimes it's enough to capture a moment as it is, to pause to say this is beautiful or interesting and I want to share it.
An abalone shell full of rain water.
But there are a lot of times when I feel the need to alter.
Altering something allows a different perspective.
Sometimes it is repetition that gets us there. If we come back and repeat a thought, try to say it again, perhaps something can be learned in the process?
When I've made a pattern for the 10th time, what do I know that I didn't before?
When I make stitch 39,000 on my sweater what have I leaned that I didn't know when I cast on?
Each season is a repeat, part of a cycle and yet different each time it comes round again...
Current temp: 60 F!
Sunrise: 6:34 AM
Sunset: 7:48 PM
Regarding rain fall: Put a shower curtain over the top of the chicken run. Don't think I've ever seen the two chickens as bedraggled as they were Thursday night.
Frost/ice on Monday, last one?
Planted: nasturiums, sweet peas, sunflowers.