Sunrise 5:32
The chickadees seem to be the first of the birds to announce dawn is coming. I've been keeping track for the last six days: 5:10, 5:13, 5:07, 5:28, 5:33, 5:18 AM. It seems to be slightly dependent on the weather. I'm going to continue to keep track for awhile.
The Fieldnote blanket strip I've been working on is 81 inches long. This weekend it will be long enough to attach to the sky scarf and begin the process of turning it into a blanket. I'll crochet the strips together; it's probably the easiest way to go.
We are sliding into the spring everyone dreams about. Warm, mostly sunny, new flowers blooming everyday. It's time to think about beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash.
Sunset 8:39
The solar lanterns come on at about 9:00.