Another term under consideration: teacher-researcher.
Both this term and "provocations" come from the Reggio Emilia approach.
The idea is, as it sounds, that a teacher is always learning along side with students... As Jude suggests, "what if?" I wonder, what would it be if we were all, every individual, recognized as both teacher and learner?
Logging: time that first chickadee sings in the morning, the time and weather at sunrise, and just ' many eggs collected that day. Field notes.
I'll start another page tomorrow and want to add eagle sighting. The bald eagle has been over the house 4 or 5 times now during the last month. A neighbor that I ride the bus with has seen the eagle as well....usually when it's being chased off by crows or seagulls.
What if I started a bird log for my garden/neighborhood? It's a possibility.
The garden is a glorious green.
On the to do list: bindweed round up and doing something about the caterpillars eating one of the currents...
There is indigo to get settled for the summer and a few more tomatoes to find home for.