There have been thundershowers over the last few days, with glorious patches of sunshine in between.
It's cold still though.
The peach tree doesn't have many blossoms on it. I thought that the cold snap at the beginning of the month may have thinned them out but maybe not. After a little research I learned that buds can tolerate frost if they aren't fully open and that they are damaged by freezes around 25 F/-4 C. It wasn't that cold, maybe with wind chill though?
Or maybe it just wants to rest this year.
Dinner last night.
1 medium onion softened in olive oil + about 2 cups diced sweet potato + a pinch or two of salt + 3 cups water. Cooked until soft and then a small handful of dehydrated celery leaves. Blended and then served with rice and homemade bread made into garlic toast.