I've been keeping a basket of paper scraps, pens, pencils, paints, glue and a sketchbook on the table.
This is something I've done before and then usually get distracted at some point.
I wonder how long it will continue this time?
Sometimes I write notes from things that I am listening to. This morning, Feedback Friday with Zak Foster inspired a note.
A couple weeks ago, it was Ada Limon on The Ezra Klein Show. (During that conversation I discovered The Slowdown where Ada Limon reads and discusses a poem each week day.)
"Poetry has the breath built into it because of its line breaks, its stanza breaks, its caesuras. Any part of its prosody is really telling you, as the reader or the listener, when to pause, when to break. And it actually has a moment in which you are supposed to breathe." Ada Limon
Question, where else to we put spaces for breaks, to breathe?