I've been thinking about Jude's definition of art... Do I make anything I would define as art or is it all craft?
I do draw a line between the two. For me craft is making something useful. Knitting a useful pair of socks to wear is a craft. Weaving net for fishing is a craft. Making a basket...
And all this can be art too. A work of art can be useful, can have purpose. Purpose is what separates the two for me. Is there a purpose to what is being made.
And then there is decoration, perhaps better called beauty. Some things might just be beautiful (although that can be very subjective).
We need craft, beauty and art. Art as communication, as consideration, as perspective. Craft, and people who are makers, to make useful things...things for shelter, for food. Beauty feeds us, makes us fall in love, become caregivers...
Where we get in trouble with all this is when value is assigned.
And...can how we live our life, our lifestyle, be a form of art? Don't we all present a perspective to the world by how we go about living? Is there craft? Where do we add beauty?
How we define words, how we are defining self...
endlessly fascinating.