Thinking about "why's" today.
Because it's fun is a good answer...sometimes.
Because we need multiple ways to communicate. That always works for me.
Because it can heal. That's good too.
There are more reasons, but what is really important here is...
the why is important to me.
I did some knitting and sewing while I watched the rain.
The fabric to the left are remnants from a past project. I am stitching them together to make a poncho sort of thing. The original project, a coat, didn't turn out well and is stashed away somewhere waiting for a re-do. I kind of suspect that the remnant project is going to turn out better than the original.
Interesting things to listen to:
-The On Being conversation with Janine Benyus
“Nature runs on sunlight.
Nature uses only the energy it needs.
Nature fits form to function.
Nature recycles everything.
Nature rewards cooperation.
Nature banks on diversity.
Nature demands local expertise.
Nature curbs excesses from within.
Nature taps the power of limits.”
-Feedback Friday conversation with Brece Honeycutt and Anita Cazzola. They addressed "waste" products.
Thinking about...what if we stop using the word waste? What if everything is just material for another project, another something? How does it change our perspective on making, on the things we bring into our homes and lives?