To return to the On Being conversation with Christiana Figures, she introduced me to a new to me word...glocalization;
"think global, act local."
Thinking about that as I move pigment dots around...
local color, sharing globally.
The two small circles are the pigments that I made from rocks. The moment that I hit the rock and it shattered...I don't know that I've shared how that felt.
Amazement, awe...a sense of gratitude.
Rocks are so old.
To transform a rock to something else, it's something to do with respect.
And here, a little something different.
Pigment made with willow leaves + pressed leaves from high bush cranberry (viburnum family) and red twig dogwood. The willow not native to this area, the other two are.
Looking closer gives a better sense of the willow pigment,
there along the edge...liminal space.