Pomegranate lake pigment, maybe influence by madder. I'd have to try a batch of plain pomegranate to see. It will happen sometime.
I was off work today and went wandering with my mom and dad.
Behind the dike is a slough, and beyond that a field and then the beach and the Salish sea. And then Fidalgo, Hat and Guemes Islands.
There were bald eagles in the trees, snow geese in the fields and ducks here and there.
I had one of the best pizzas I've ever had and brought home more yummy foods from a farm stand that amazed me with the selection given that it was not attended by anyone.
Roasted squash (kabocha), pasta (local, hooray!), olive oil, and thyme (from the garden, still looking good). I added the cooked pasta to the frying pan that the squash was roasted in to coat it with the olive oil.
There will be squash soup tomorrow (I think) and pizza this coming weekend...