There were a few things I hoped to find as I was sorting.
This was one of them.
It's a strip of squares pieced together.
It will eventually be a fabric basket, cube shaped.
One panel is a sleepy baby dragon made during one of Jude's classes.
I am hoping to work on it for about 10 minutes each day until I can call it done enough to assemble.
I've been thinking about what it means to finish something since I wrote this as a comment on one of Jude's posts,
I think for me, when I think of unfinished…it’s the stage between started and useful for something other than the process of making (which is a useful thing for mental health!). Once it’s reached functional… I guess I think of it as in a process of change, and maybe just that? Maybe this is why I gravitate towards blankets/pillows/containers/clothing…. I’ve got to think about this more.
This continues to feel true to me. Once something reaches a point of telling a story or being useful, it feels finished to me.
But this doesn't mean that there might not be more to do. There will be.
The story might change; the purpose might as well. There may be mending to do. Everything is up for revision. Everything is always transforming as it ages, always becoming.
The garden is always growing.
Perhaps it is only finished when it is consumed? I have finished the last of the peanut is consumed.
Can an idea be consumed?