Which came first the chicken or the egg?
(If you want to know the answer it is here.)
I think that some questions shouldn't be answered.
We need mysteries.
This morning I finished attaching the cowl to the neckline on one of the sweaters that has been "under construction." It will be useful and wearable...for at home. It has some funny little gathers along the neckline. Not the greatest technique but I am not starting over again.
To recap the project: This is the second attempt at knitting a sweater with the brown yarn. In the process I learned that alpaca drapes a lot. It probably wasn't the recommended yarn for either of the patterns that I tried. Seaming the front together so that it is a pullover instead of a cardigan helped it fit better. Making a cowl neck made it hang better. It's cozy.
Something I am thinking about regarding this sweater...what came first, the questions or the answers? I tend to leap in and do things. I make the same way I cook...directions are optional. It was about trying something and being willing to learn.
Maybe the only question was, "What if?"
The beginning of a basket (random weave) made with the willow I brought home from work. There is also a bit of birch from the garden.
In The Book of Qualities J.Ruth Gendler writes, "Creativity is not efficient. She has a different relationship to time than most of us."
What next?