So many words that begin with "b" that I love.
Be for being present.
Bees for so more reasons that I can list right now.
Baskets and bowls, the magic of holding.
Boats, for going as well as holding.
Books, they hold too...stories and thoughts.
And blue.
I would never be able to choose a favorite color but there is something special about the color blue.

Yesterday I took some of my indigo plants to work with me and did some dyeing with the preschool class. The children picked the leaves off the stems, used the hand blender to chop the leaves, and then after I strained out the leaves, took turns squeezing the silk as it went from white to green to blue.
I brought the dye bath home so I could add a skein of yarn to it. On the way to my car the toddlers stopped me, wanting to know what I had. We talked about the color blue. Many of them wanted to put their hands in the water and so they took turns squeezing the silk as well. One of the children was fascinated by the wool and kept sliding her fingers around it.
I will be making something for the class with the wool and silk. We discussed a cape, balls, and a doll blanket.
Yesterday was also a super blue (seasonal, 4th full moon of a quarter) moon.
I saw it outside the kitchen window at about 3 AM.
It was a very good day.