> chickens!

Pictures of the chicken coop and run...

Summer coop and garden

Summer coop and garden

Note about first page of photo album: Click on the small photos if you would like to see a larger picture.

My coop and run were built by my dad. Thanks Dad! It cost about $80 dollars for the materials. The wire mesh was the most expensive of the materials, but gives me much peace of mind.

Predators that are in the neighborhood: raccoons, skunks, coyotes, opossum (only an issue for the eggs), hawks and eagles.

Nest box

Nest box

Cost of 10 pounds of organic chicken food (what I can bring home on the bus) = $6 dollars. Last about a month for 2 chickens.

Cost of a dozen organic eggs has been about $4.00 around here.

Two chickens lay about a dozen eggs a week from March to November. Plus a few more eggs during November to March, just not regular.

Chicken coop and run

Chicken coop and run

The run is made with a 2 by 2 inch wood frame and mesh. The top lifts off completely so that I can climb into the run if necessary. I have a piece of plywood that I keep over the feeder to keep food dry.

I have pieces of metal that lay under the bottom of the frame to keep "diggers" from accessing the run.

I use straw in the run during the rainy season to keep mud down and to create material for compost. Part of my purpose for having chickens is for the manure for compost as well as the eggs.

Front of coop

Front of coop

The chicken coop is made from two salvaged cabinets. The shelf for one cabinet was removed so that there is room for a ramp for the chickens to go up to the top story and the perch. They like to sit in front of the window and look out.

The roof is covered with rubber roofing material.

Back of coop

Back of coop

The other cabinet makes a nest box (the door below) and the top story of the coop (the top door). Having the two doors gives me access to open the coop up and clean.

I want to plant holly hocks along this side of the coop.